Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Four More Years?

So you think Obama deserves another 4 years? 

Let's examine this for a minute......

     Mr. Obama had something very few presidents have enjoyed in their first term as president. He had a super majority in both houses of congress. Obama had a full two years to pass anything he wanted. He could have tackled spending, regulation, the "unfair" tax code he decries on a regular basis, or even immigration reform. But he didn't. He chose to tackle social justice, while his country suffers exploding debt, the longest, highest unemployment in recent history, and rapidly increasing poverty.

     He passed stimulus, which by all accounts, created very few jobs, compared to the almost $800,000,000,000.00 "earmarked" for stimulus. By his own admission, there were very few "shovel ready jobs". It saved some jobs, increased food stamps, etc. No doubt it did some good, but that's what government tends to do, is "some good". Then, when stimulus didn't provide enough oomph, he pushed for MORE government spending. More of your tax dollars. More of your children's money beholden to a spend crazy government. More, more, more seems to be this POTUS's mantra. More government, more taxes, more spending. 

 He passed Obamacare, which does nothing to improve healthcare or reduce deficits or debt (notice when they talk about Obamacare, they say "access" to healthcare, not actually getting healthcare) they tout that kids can stay on their parent insurance until 26...... That’s good because new college grads can barely find a job to pay for insurance in the new Obama economy. To reform healthcare, the cost of practicing medicine needs to be addressed. Tort reform is essential. Let people shop for healthcare. There are numerous things that will make healthcare more affordable, and BETTER. But for crying out loud, don't come up with a 2,000 plus page bill (that is still largely unpopular with Americans) And shove it through congress without actually reading it. Common sense reform.......not government bureaucracy. 

     He tried to pass cap and trade (which was too toxic a legislation for even his base), which would have exponentially increased energy costs, as well as stifling oil exploration. It's a common myth that he has a hand in increased domestic oil production, as it is the states who have allowed drilling, not the white house. Just about all new oil exploration and production on federal lands came from leases approved during the BUSH administration, and has nothing to do with Obama. In fact he has stifled offshore drilling so much that deep water drilling rigs left for other countries after he placed a moratorium on drilling. (How’s that feel when you're paying $3.80 a gallon). Not to mention killing the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have created tons of jobs. He has chosen to invest in green energy, windmills, solar, etc. My truck doesn't run on wind or solar, and I'd be willing to bet neither does yours. Green energy is fine, but we run on coal, natural gas, and petro related fuels. The trucks who deliver our goods run on diesel fuel, and that diesel fuel costs twice as much as it did the day Obama took office. Sure, it's Middle East tensions, etc. etc. etc......but that's another lackluster performance from our POTUS that I'll save for another time. Energy is what drives America, and like it or not, that energy is fossil fuels. But somehow, it's more important to develop green energy than to develop the very fuel that powers our nation NOW. And all the while, we are subsidizing green energy, as in YOU and I are paying taxes to keep those windmills turning. To keep those solar panels pointed at the sun. Paying money so people can buy electric and hybrid cars. More government spending, more bureaucracy. But all government spending comes from us. It's our money, not theirs. Do we really want to pay for windmills and solar panels AND pay $3.80 cents a gallon for gas? Not to mention, $500,000,000.00 to Solyndra, a loan to the now failed company, which was approved under Obama's administration. Under Bush, that loan application was denied, stating it needed more work to be a viable endeavor. There are quite a few more "green energy" expenditures by our government that went belly up, I urge you to research them. 

     He dreamed up HARP and HAMP, two programs designed to help millions of foreclosure facing Americans. It has helped less than 1 million homeowners, and temporarily at that. I know from firsthand experience, the program is a red tape filled bureaucratic joke. It is incredibly difficult to navigate the program, and even more difficult to qualify for. Hundreds of thousands of people made it to the trial payment portion, and then were bumped out, only to have to start all over again. By most accounts, the program was a failure when measured against what it was supposed to do.

     He has sidestepped congress numerous times. Military action in Libya. His "mini DREAM act". His head start order. Deportation policies. He tried to sidestep congress in enacting his jobs bill (stimulus Jr.). He sidestepped congress in the appointment of several officials that normally would require input from congress. 

     He spent his first two years creating "social justice". Social justice does not provide jobs, nor does it pay down debt, or reduce deficit spending. Then when the economy didn't improve (because he had done nothing to improve it), and the republicans won the majority in the house, he started blaming them. Mind you, this president has not seen a budget pass his congress in about three years. Talk about punting....... 

     The economy should be the #1 topic of the day. But it's not. It's immigration. It's abortion. It's free birth control. It's entitlement spending. It's the "war on women". It's anything and everything BUT the economy. It's anything and everything BUT unemployment. It's anything and everything BUT the deficit and debt. It's everything BUT job creation. It's everything BUT transparency. It's everything BUT HIS RECORD. Why is that? Why are they dodging his record? Could it be that he has performed less than spectacularly? 

     I will say that Obama has done one thing well. Spin. And lots of it. Blame has been placed everywhere, Europe, China, the Banks, Wall Street, and even the American people. But the last place blame has been placed is squarely on the shoulders of the man in charge, the big man on campus. Mr. Obama, the President of the United States of America. When will he own it? When will he step to the plate and say "I am in charge, I own this lackluster "recovery"? 

  The President and Congress work for us. They work for "We the People". We built the offices you sit in daily. Everything you see around you is because of "We the People", not because of the government. It was paid for and built by the sweat of American brows, and the strength of American backs. It was our will, our hard work. It was your will, your hard work. Not government. Not the President. Not Congress. You. Me. Our mothers and fathers. The immigrants who came here and lived the American dream. We built it all Mr. President, everything you see in our great nation, down to the very house you call home. Us......not government.

    There is a choice you will make this November. It is not about Mitt Romney, or Barack Obama. It is about government involvement in your lives. It is about whether the driving force of all the things that make America great should come from "We the People', or "We the government". It's about your choice to have health insurance or not. It's about your choice to be in control of your own lives, or be subject to increasing roles of government in your life. It's about the success of our nation coming from "We the People", or from the government. It's about lifting people from poverty, or sustaining them with welfare. It's about allowing business to do what it does best, make money, and hire hard working Americans. It's about the notion of "For the People, by the People", or getting permission from government to live our lives. To decide what is best for our own course, or having someone else's idea of social justice imposed on you. It's about fostering success and not vilifying and punishing it. It’s about the notion that we are successful because of our hard work, not because of roads and bridges. That we Americans built those roads and bridges, we paid for them. That government didn't just make them out of thin air, or somehow bestowed a great gift upon us. WE paid for them. WE built them. They are ours. They belong to us. The hard work that made a small business successful is also the same hard work that built those roads and bridges. Government exists because of us. Not the other way around. And it's high time they realize that.

     You have a choice to make. Do you want welfare to be a hand up, or a hand out? Do you want our success to be measured by personal wealth, or government wealth? Do you want to have a nation that fosters job growth, or punishes success through taxation and regulation? Do you want a nation that values your money, or spends it like it's going to rot? Would you rather be in a place where government is for the people and by the people, or a place where the people rely on government to tell them when and how to get healthcare, to get higher education, to decide what your children should learn in school, to tell us what's best for us?  It's a choice you have to make. Choose wisely. Your children's future is at stake. Our nation's fiscal health is at stake. Our very country and the direction she will go is at stake. I urge you to think outside the box. Look at fact, not opinion. Learn about how our government is spending us into oblivion.

An uninformed choice is a bad choice. Empower yourself with KNOWLEDGE, and not rhetoric.

God Bless you, and God bless America. 

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