What if one day, your Visa card stopped working? Imagine a place where there are no gas stations, no grocery stores, no banks to hold your money. What if you couldn't get a loan to buy a car, a house, to get your child braces? It's amazing that America has come to vilify the ery companies that allow them to live their lives in such luxury.
But to tell you the truth, it's not the corporate giants fault. If you buy a house, and you sign at the X for a cut throat sub prime mortgage that screws you into a payment that you can't afford, then who is really at fault? The bank that wrote the mortgage, or yours, the person who didn't research the loan and just signed on the dotted line? You made your bed, now you must lie in it.
If you fill up your car weekly with $3.79 a gallon gas, and you don't make any effort to curb your gasoline usage, whose fault is that? You willingly pay through the nose for gasoline when you could walk, ride a bike, or take public transportation. Yet you revile the company that spends billions of dollars on wells, infrastructure, taxes, fees, environmental studies, Superfund payments, and various other hoopla to get you your precious gasoline. Would you expect them to give their product away for free? For no profit?
The plain and simple fact is that business is business. It isn't charity, goodwill, or for the good of the people. It's to make money. And lots of it. Now don't get me wrong...i think that the business world needs to have compassion and charity and all that too, but come on people........
It's amazing how today we have villified business as this evil monster that bleeds the world dry, clubs baby seals, lets old people die, and murders innocent children, all the while clutching handfuls of money.
Being successful used to be something good, now we all should strive for mediocrity, lest we be labeled the devil himself.........
But to tell you the truth, it's not the corporate giants fault. If you buy a house, and you sign at the X for a cut throat sub prime mortgage that screws you into a payment that you can't afford, then who is really at fault? The bank that wrote the mortgage, or yours, the person who didn't research the loan and just signed on the dotted line? You made your bed, now you must lie in it.
If you fill up your car weekly with $3.79 a gallon gas, and you don't make any effort to curb your gasoline usage, whose fault is that? You willingly pay through the nose for gasoline when you could walk, ride a bike, or take public transportation. Yet you revile the company that spends billions of dollars on wells, infrastructure, taxes, fees, environmental studies, Superfund payments, and various other hoopla to get you your precious gasoline. Would you expect them to give their product away for free? For no profit?
The plain and simple fact is that business is business. It isn't charity, goodwill, or for the good of the people. It's to make money. And lots of it. Now don't get me wrong...i think that the business world needs to have compassion and charity and all that too, but come on people........
It's amazing how today we have villified business as this evil monster that bleeds the world dry, clubs baby seals, lets old people die, and murders innocent children, all the while clutching handfuls of money.
Being successful used to be something good, now we all should strive for mediocrity, lest we be labeled the devil himself.........
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