I sit here today, watching my children play; I began to wonder......I wonder what kind of life will they have? When I was a child, we had the Great Ronald Reagan as our commander in chief, and we were fighting communism and projecting our might across the world. "Peace through Strength" was the motto, and Americans were unapologetic about our greatness, our might. We spoke softly and carried a big stick, all the while remaining vigilant in our efforts to protect the down trodden, to be the last beacon of freedom in an ever darkening world. We were strong, and the sky was no limit to us. We were the greatest and we knew it in our bones. But something happened, and we became something less. We became touchy feely, we became a nation of politically correct crybabies. We now speak softly, and have replaced the big stick with advisory groups and political action committees on how not to offend gays, Muslims, the poor, the homeless, the transgendered, the bisexual, the middle class, the tree huggers, Asians, Europeans, Samoans, and don't forget the environmentalists. I know there's more, but, hey, if you are offended that I left you out, well, cry me a river you PC crybaby.
It's a fact of life that people hate. I hate. I hate a lot of things. I hate anchovies. I hate stupid people. I hate the movie Chicago. And you know what, it's my God given right to hate. I can hate you for your sexual orientation; I can hate you for your skin color. I can even hate you for the God you worship. I can call a black person a nigger, or a gay person a faggot. I can call an Asian a zipper head or a slope or a gook. I can call a white person a honky, cracker, whitey mcwhitey. I can call a Jew a kike, or a Muslim a terrorist if I so choose. It's my god given right, and a right guaranteed to me by the first amendment. Do I do those things? No, I do not. But, if I did, it's my right, and neither you nor anyone else can take that away. It is not anyone’s right to commit violent acts against anybody, regardless of how much one may or may not like them. It’s the same principle that allows Neo-Nazis to parade in Washington spewing anti-Semitic rhetoric, or the Black Panthers to march, shouting about how whitey is keeping the strong black brother down trodden and how whitey should die. Do I agree with these f'in fruitcakes? No, but it is their right. And I fully support their right to speak their mind, regardless of what trash will subsequently spew out their hate filled mouths. You cannot legislate hate. No amount of legislation will make people love one another. It just won't work. You'll end up with everybody in jail, with no one left to pay taxes to make more anti hate legislation. It's already illegal to beat up on someone, regardless of the reasoning behind it. If a man punches another man in the mouth, does it matter why? No, it doesn't. But that's my opinion, and you don't have to agree, or even respect it. But you do have to tolerate it. It's my right to speak my piece. But that's not the way these days. You'll vilify me, get a few "special interest" groups involved, and then lobby congress to pass a law that says I must sit around a campfire and sing kum-ba-ya and hold hands with someone who wants to punch me in the mouth just as bad as I want to punch them in the mouth. But, hey, that's okay. I can still think freely for now............
When I was a kid, we hated commies. They were the enemy. We vilified them; those commie bastards were going to get it, one way or another. We had a common enemy, a goal that united us. We had a great leader, the venerable Reagan, who taunted communism, who went to the commies’ doorstep and demanded that they "tear down this wall!" (The Berlin wall for those who don't know) We, in the last century, saved the world, literally. Not once, but TWICE. We spend billions around the world to promote democracy, to end hunger, malaria, AIDS, you name it, and we provide money to fight it. We, on occasion, even provide the blood of our sons and daughters to fight evil. We are the go to guys when shit hits the fan, and that has been proven over and over and over. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and many more numerous other conflicts where just the mere presence of our military power has swayed the outcome of many a battle or disagreement the world over. But, today, our commander in chief runs around the world apologizing to the world for America. What the hell do we need to apologize for? For saving the world? TWICE? For being the last great hope of freedom and prosperity? For being American? For excelling at all we do? For being the best? Apparently that's the case. These days you have to apologize for winning. Charlie Sheen didn't apologize for winning. He drank tiger blood on a roof top and shouted he's winning, and never once apologized for it. (That was joke, in case you didn't get it) We have humbled ourselves to the world. We have taken away the American pride, the can do attitude. Jesus, we landed a man on the moon in less than a decade, and now all the sudden we suck? We have lost our pride, and I blame that again on the touchy feely bull shit PC crowd. The fanatics have now turned their nut case intentions on their own country, and have slowly taken away our thunder. They have convinced their fellow Americans that we are the evil ones, that we are the bad guys. I say piss on that. We are the best thing since sliced bread. We are Americans. Our shit does not smell. We all wear capes. We are the best of the best. Don't let your neighbor convince you otherwise. And please, if you have kids, teach them America is great. It truly is. Now, let’s all drink some tiger blood and shout from the rooftops about how great we are. I bet it would be fun.....
The family unit and other related things.....
I am a conservative. I am fiscally conservative, as well as borderline socially conservative. I believe in the family unit. I believe that children, on average, will do better with a mommy and a daddy, who are married. Who live together, love together, and raise their children together. I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. Why do I believe that? Because I do, and I don't have to have a reason. I'm sure that some reading this will call me homophobic, and against gay rights. I'm not. I wish gay people all the best, but I can't at this point in my life condone gay marriage. There, I said it. I said I don't condone gay marriage. Go ahead, call me intolerant, call me what you will. But it seems these days its taboo to actually speak one’s mind if it offends anyone else. I think a gay couple is entitled to legal assurances that they will receive death benefits, insurance payouts, etc. But my belief, again, is that marriage is between a man and woman. Is that wrong to feel that way? No. Just as it's not wrong for someone else to believe that gays should be allowed to marry. But it doesn't matter if that offends me.......as long as the minority doesn't get their feelings hurt. Again, the liberal touchy feely PC BS crowd trouncing on the average Joe..........and while you’re at it, why not get some legislation passed that says my kid can't call your kid fat, gay, ugly, stupid (or whatever names kids call each other these days) because you have raised your child without a spine, and not taken the time to do your job as a parent and tell your kids that sticks and stones may break their bones, but words will never hurt them. Let’s raise a generation of wimps and touchy feely crybabies that whine when another kid calls them a name...... while the enemies we have in this world are strapping bombs to themselves and teaching their kids to blow people up and martyr themselves for 72 virgins...........
A word on corporations..........and unions.....and a few other things.....
The left makes corporate America out to be demons and bloodthirsty vampires who will stop at nothing to destroy America. That it's wrong for an executive to make a million bucks while the poor fry cook at McD's makes $7.50 an hour.... So not the case. The far left want to punish the executive for his success, for doing the things necessary to succeed and be wealthy, and that is wrong. He's living the American dream, to exercise his right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To punish him or her is just insane, to take their wealth, the product of their ingenuity and hard work, and give it to the poor who have no drive to succeed? That's just wrong and deep down inside you know it. But if you are a far left nut job, you'll never admit it.
You like your paycheck? Pretty sure it came from some kind of corporation (unless you are a public sector employee). Corporations are what makes America and the world go round. What would happen if all of the sudden corporate America just decided to stay in bed tomorrow? To decide to just give up, to give in to the regulations and the pressures from the left. Let’s close up shop......let's just throw our hands up and piss on it. All hell would break loose. Now don't get me wrong, a business will do what is best for the bottom line, no doubt, and the private sector needs regulation, but come on lefties......your vilification does nothing but make you look stupid. I love the union guys for example, shouting the evils of their employer....be lucky you have a job you union jackass. I'm sure some unemployed American will take your place without all the BS union strings attached. In a heartbeat. But they don't realize that they are a slave to the union, not the corporation they make out to be so evil. That the simple act of joining a union has doomed them to a life of union servitude. Ha-ha you pay to go to work. How stupid is that???? Your union is the exact reason that companies ship jobs overseas. Think about it for a minute before you get all mad and start beating your chest and threatening to bury me with Hoffa.....You demand higher pay.......the companies agree. You demand better healthcare, overtime for all if one gets some OT......the companies agree. You keep demanding, and demanding, the cost of production goes way up, the cost of goods rise, etc, etc, etc and before you know it, some kid in India is doing your job and you're all pissed off now because you think you are worth more than you really are, and you can't find a job that will put up with your ridiculous caveats and demands. Not to mention the relationship between unions and the lefties elected officials.........hmmm.......Boeing getting sued by the Gov't for allegedly moving jobs to a state where it's harder to form a union chapter to "punish" the unions.......I’ll leave that one to stew in your brain for a moment.....go ahead and Google it...... you will sooner or later smack yourself in the head when you learn all the connections in that one........but I can't leave out the UAW, one of the major reasons GM and Chrysler went belly up and the Gov't (rather we the people) had to bail them out.....
((Oh and by the way it was the republicans who partially repealed the Glass-Steagall act of 1933, causing in part the financial meltdown of 07-08....but the great Bill Clinton is the one who signed it into law in 1999. It was the Democrats and the lefties through acorn that pressured fannie mae and freddie mac to loosen regulations so poor people could buy houses, not to mention Barney Frank and his backdoor dealings (no pun intended) with fannie mae that caused the mortgage crisis. Poor people can't buy houses because they can't pay it back. Duh, home ownership is not a right you idiots....it's something you work for. I'm an equal opportunity blamer. )) Forgive me; I just had to throw in a reference to the government’s role in the meltdown, because everybody blames the corporations. It was a marriage made in financial ruin.......The bottom line is don't bite the hand that feeds you. And don't blame a snake when it bites you. It's just doing what snakes do, and it's your dumbass fault you got bitten. I hope you see the connections in my ranting and raving...
On the debt crisis we face........
Seriously? Why is this even an issue? WTF is wrong with these people on the Hill? The answer is simple: Quit spending so much damn money!!!! We aren't in this situation because we aren't taxed enough; we are in this situation because we spend too much damn money. The average American knows the solution to this problem. They deal with it on a daily basis in their own lives. Sooner or later, you've got to cut up the credit cards. Live on a cash basis. We borrow 40 cents of every dollar that the government spends these days.......that’s sick. And that number will rise as it already has since I last checked. Take a look at the debt clock. It's scary stuff. My children are already in debt. WTF is that? The government is on a high, fueled by reckless spending of borrowed money. Do these dipshits not realize that we can't tax our way out of this? Tax me more, I spend less. I spend less, business takes a hit. Business takes a hit, then they lay me off and now I have no income to tax. It's simple cause and effect, but these idiots can't grasp that. Quit spending money on stupid crap. The government spends their money on the equivalent of gold teeth and 22 inch rims and. They dump millions (sometimes billions) to dumb things like building salamander tunnels under roads (yes it was the stimulus), giving a few million dollars so a museum could buy art, so California could build ineffective and useless salmon steps on dry creek beds, give grants to study the effects of penis size on the sex lives of gay men…....I'm not joking. they subsidize billions in ethanol production that raises food prices and raises the cost of gasoline and diesel, billions for wind farms that will never break even without the subsidies.......they give Brazil billions for oil exploration yet leave our own natural resources untapped? And this government can solve our problems? Give me a break........The government spends money like it's going to rot. The powers that be want to tax us more and spend the same in the grand scheme of things. They aren't actually saving any money, their savings work like this: Say you want to buy a new SL500 Mercedes at $100,000 dollars, but you decide to buy a $20,000 dollar Hyundai sonata instead. Now to you and me, you spent $20,000 dollars. But the government says you just saved $80,000 dollars....you "cut spending" by 80K....it's a laughable, but it's also so sad that that's actually the way it is. Now if you bought a Mercedes for 20 grand, then that would be savings.....wouldn't it be nice if the Government would actually save some money instead of these fabricated "spending cuts" figures???? These people on the Hill are morons. And the sooner we realize that, the better off we will be. Reagan summed it up like this; "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." Couldn’t have said it better myself……
A few more thoughts......
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
It doesn't get any simpler than that. Do I believe that your average American needs to have a rocket launcher? No. I don't. But I do believe that Americans have the right to wear a handgun on their hip, in plain sight, or even concealed under clothing, or carry a shotgun down Main Street. It's my right. You may not like it, but you can't bend the constitution to your liking. It's as plain as day. I even quoted the Amendment. I can have no guns, or a hundred. It's my choice. Not yours. But this right is being trampled by the far left and the uninformed, and it is sickening. The framers of our nation know that sooner or later the people may have to rise up against tyranny, and wanted every American to be armed if they so choose. “A well armed people” is the best way to ensure the security of a free state.
It's time that the average Joe is heard, that our fates not lie in the decisions made by the masses based on talking points and rhetoric. It is our civil duty to take part in our own governance, to ensure the security of our nation, to elect leaders who will do what needs to be done, not because these things are easy, but because they are hard. Because our leaders are an extension of ourselves, they are the hammer which we wield to keep building this nation, to ensure she remains great and free for our children. It sickens me to think of the world my children will grow up in, the things I love about MY country may be gone forever. I have shed real tears over these thoughts. I will not be silenced by the minority, nor will I pander to the masses for fear of hurting someone’s feelings. I will not let my voice be drowned out any longer by the thunderous static of the rhetoric spewed by the leaders of today. I want answers, not political shenanigans and tomfoolery. No more partisan rhetoric, no more crybaby name calling when our leaders have a job to do. Government has failed us; they have dug us into a hole that has cost us dearly in blood and treasure. They have slowly stripped us of our power, while increasing their own. We can no longer stand idly by and let our nation fall. We must all take an active part in restoring America to what she truly is the last great hope in a world gone mad. We must do this for our children. We must do this to honor those who gave their lives in the war to free us from the tyranny of England. Those who spilled blood and lost their lives in the Great Wars of the last century to save not only us but the world from the Axis of evil. To do anything less is to spit on their graves and make light of their sacrifice upon the altar of freedom. And we must do this for the future generations so they too can know the pride and joy that is felt when we say "I'm proud to be an American"
So it is with this, my declaration, my promise to my children, and my children's children that I will no longer be a patsy to those who would take away my children's future. To saddle them with unbearable debt, to diminish their constitutional rights, to take away their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I owe it my children, to their children, to be a steward of freedom. I am proud to be an American. I am proud to be at this time, this place, to let my voice be heard, no matter how small it may be. God Bless America……….we’re going to need it!
Yours truly,
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