There are parents killing their children in record numbers. We have illegal aliens streaming across the border, unchecked, and an administration that sidesteps congress and sets their own rules for deportation using "executive powers". When we are fighting two wars, and have no exit strategy that will leave a stable middle east. When we are at war with a country (Libya) without authorization of Congress. We have a record number of people on Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, unemployment, etc.
And what are we doing about it?
Not a god damn thing.
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" ~ Albert Einstein
Our government has gone insane. Our citizens have gone insane. We are doing the same things over and over, yet we are completely slack jawed and goober eyed when we get the same results. We elect morons into office, and we see them do the stupidest things, and yet we elect them again because they say they won't do it again, or we didn't finish the job, or whatever reason they spout out of their pie holes. People like Barney Frank, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and all the ones who want to take away our freedoms, who think that the Government can run our lives better than we can. These people belittle America, they belittle you, and they belittle me. They consistently slap us in the face, and we bow down and, just like Oliver, "please sir, may I have some more" What in the hell are we doing to this place? We are letting a few run this great land into the ground. It isn’t the corporations, the rich, the well off, the Tea Party…….. its liberalism. And I'll prove it later
Around 70 years ago, the world was at war and America came to the realization that we must stand and fight. We can't be isolationist anymore. At the time of Hitler’s rise to power, our Military was smaller than the armies of Romania. We had cavalry units. We had WWI era weapons. Not a single tank to be had. And when we entered the European and Pacific theaters we had the largest standing Army in the world. We had the most aircraft carriers, the most tanks, the most planes, the most of everything. We had the only operational atomic weapons. IN LESS THAN 8 YEARS mind you. We went from a 100,000 man army to at any given time, TWO MILLION BOOTS on the ground. And how did we do that? Sheer determination! The WWII generation isn't called the Greatest Generation for nothing! America had values. Your average teenager was lying about his age so he could go kill the jap bastards that bombed Pearl, or so he could go kill the krauts that were spreading Nazi socialism all over Europe and North Africa. Nowadays you couldn't pry the average teenager's cell phone out of his hands to even tell him he's about to walk into a lamp post. These young men knew that it was their duty to protect their country, to stand up against tyranny. And for those of you that don't know, the Axis powers were saving America for last. Germany, Italy and Japan all had a plan to carve up the world, and America was the prize. Our natural resources are astounding, coal, oil, natural gas, and fertile heartland, and Hitler knew it. He was willing to slaughter every man woman and child here for our resources, yet we don't even exploit them. How dumb is that? Back on topic......we entered WWII and we are the sole reason that Germany was defeated, that Japan and Italy surrendered. The good ol' U S of A. And we did it by sheer will. We willed ourselves to build the largest Army the world has ever seen, build more weapons, and drop more bombs than were dropped, thrown or slung in the entire history of man, combined! Yet we can't even solve the small problems facing us today. Immigration, Healthcare, fiscal's sad. It really is. They were the greatest generation because they had pride, in themselves and their country. They also had morals and values that are nearly nonexistent in today’s world.
We have destroyed ourselves from within. We have shirked personal responsibility. We have taught our children to be what they feel like being, instead of being all that they can be. The liberal panty wasted mindset has infiltrated every level of our society. Schools, home, workplace, politics, even our military. All have fallen to the sapping of values, of right and wrong. It is no longer wrong to be a pedophile, you have a "sickness", and are a "youth attracted" individual. And by the libs classifying it as a "sickness", they imply that it can be cured. Well, it can be cured. By a noose, electric chair, or a well placed shot to the head. It is no longer weird for a guy to dress in women's clothing, it's accepted. It's now the "in" thing to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered. Didn't used to be. Now when someone commits a heinous crime, it's okay because their parents didn't love them, or they were abused as a child, or they were bullied in school. They need to be rehabilitated, fixed, cared for, and by all means, not punished. Our justice system is no longer about justice; it's about rehabilitation and fixing people. Men who molest children get probation. Women who sell themselves for drugs get probation. Women who kill their children get off scott-free. What is wrong with this picture? When you look at our country today, is it really better?
Tolerance is a great thing. It allows people to be different, without fear of being killed in the streets, and gives them the basic rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But legal tolerance and moral and social tolerance are two different things. One is mandated by government, one is mandated by our moral compass. And both have been weighed, measured, and found wanting. We are having our moral compass skewed by the efforts of the liberal movement. It's okay to do and say whatever you wish, without moral repercussions. But tolerance is a two edged sword. It can erode the moral fabric of a society if nothing is considered "taboo". It takes away the people's want to act right. One day people will start sawing off their disabled kid's heads because they feel like their disabled child is taking up too much of their time. What the hell am I saying, that’s already happened.
Hurricane Katrina was the perfect example of the shirking of self reliance and responsibility. Kanye West was on live TV, saying GWB hates blacks, and moms from the lower 9th ward were standing at the super dome screaming at the cameras "where the government wit food fo' mah baby" Did you not listen to the news? Did you not hear them tell you some really bad weather is coming and you may want to leave? In fact, I think the evacuations were mandatory. Did you not take the time to protect you and yours? No you didn't you lazy ass welfare mom, you rely on the government for your survival on a day to day basis, so why wouldn't you rely on them in when a big ass hurricane is bearing down on you? PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. It’s not a new concept, been around since man schlepped himself out of the primordial ooze. But it's a concept lost on today's generations. Katrina was the grand example of how lazy, apathetic, and just downright immoral people have become. And, it also showed just how giving those are who haven't lost their moral compasses, who haven’t fallen prey to the erosion of the moral fabric. Who still care, not because they are forced by the government to care, but because they have a moral obligation to help.
Look around at today's world. The media, the government, the political action groups, the human interest groups......and you ask yourself.........are things really better because they exist????? Are we safer? Are we smarter? Are we wealthier? Do we have the strongest military? Do we have coffers full of gold, and every man has a job and every child has a meal to eat? No, no and no. Are we a stronger nation because have accepted the presence of millions of illegals? Are we better off because we trusted a political newbie on his promise of "hope and change”? Are we better off because we have become more tolerant of the smallest percentage of society's views and lifestyles? No, we are not better off. We have allowed the pandering to go on way too long. We have allowed the few to impress their ideology onto us using shame as their weapon. They have shamed our society into unwilling unconditional acceptance of the minority. And I'm not talking race, gender or even religion. I m talking about the things that directly impact our moral fabric. The hip hop culture, saggy pants, you know...thuggin'. The morons who walk around dressed like idiots, wearing dog collars and stuff. On what planet is this okay? Emos, punks, thugs, alternative, blah blah blah.......their parents should put them in boot camp after beating the shit out of them. But therein lies the problem. The parents don't. They have been affected by the liberal acceptance. They allow their children to "express themselves" however they wish. They allow them to play violent video games, listen to shit for music, and let them wear whatever stupid clothing is 'in" at the moment. They let their kids have mohawks, dye their hair blue, and get giant holes in their ears. They let their kids get piercings, tattoos, and do whatever the hell they want, talk however they want, and think however they want. They say it's not their place to influence their children. What????? It's not your job to influence your children? To raise them with respect? To teach them morals? To teach them that they should be all that they can be? To teach them the sky is NO limit?
We allow our kids to look up to people like Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Michael Vick, Kobe Bryant, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, the list goes on and on of shitty role models we allow our kids to look up to. And then we wonder why our children are ill behaved, think its okay to drink, do drugs, and get in trouble with the law and punch out a few kids out of wedlock after making a sex tape. Mom, Dad, you did it to yourself. Your kid is a shit because you, not the school system, not the internet, not the maker of the music or violent game you let them’s your fault. Your kid gets knocked up at 15? It's your fault. Your kid a drug addict at 12? It's your fault. Your kid get caught stealing? It's your fault. You failed your kids, you failed yourself, and you failed the future generations of our nation. You teach your children to respect money, big rims, and gold teeth and you wonder why your kid thinks its okay to do whatever it takes to get these things? And you think that someone else, like maybe society, is to blame? Well society starts with each and every one of us. We are society. But it wasn’t society that failed as a parent, you did. No one else is going to raise your kids for you. Take responsibility and make your children have a better life. Raise them with values and morals, it isn’t that hard.
When you remove all consequence, you know the true nature of a man. Want to know why the world is the way it is? Because we have removed consequence from the mix, that’s why. We have hobbled the justice system with crybaby judges, and have removed social and moral consequence for all but the most heinous crimes, and even then the courts have become lax in actually serving justice. We have allowed the media to sensationalize, slant, make up, and even lie about the news. We have allowed them to be bias, to influence us in everything we do. We have become sheep; we have lost our pride, our guts, and our sense of right and wrong. We have allowed our government to have reins on us, instead of us having the reins on government. We have as a society shunned our self reliant attitude, our willingness to work hard, to make our own way. It starts with something small, such as allowing someone to influence the smallest decisions we make, to something large like letting the government run our health care. We have allowed special interests to shame us into their way of thinking, their way of doing things, their way of raising our children. For shame on you for spanking your children, for shame on you for yelling at your kids, for shame on you for believing that marriage is between a man a woman, shame on you for teaching your kids about something so archaic and non progressive as belief in a God. Shame on you for calling a Muslim a terrorist. Shame on you for not letting your children “express themselves” with stupid clothes and idiotic music. Shame on you for standing by your morals and values. I could go on and on and on. But I think you get the picture.
Child molestation is on the rise. Parents who kill their own children are on the rise. Pedophilia is on the rise. Rape, murder, theft, drug use, and violent crimes are all on the rise. We have removed the social and moral consequence that keeps man in line, makes him act right. Man has always had the capability to be evil. Legal, moral and social consequence is what (mostly) kept him in line. The liberal, progressive movement of be whatever you want to be, act how you want, and do what feels good has removed the barriers that once kept man on course. Now ask yourself…..if heinous crimes are on the rise, children being murdered by their protectors at alarming rates, are we any closer to the benevolent society that the progressive movement says we are? Are we any better as people for all this “acceptance” that has been shoved down our throats? Are we better off now that we have a government department for everything? Are we better off now that we have less control over our own lives and the way we raise our children? Are we better off with hundreds of “rights groups” cramming ideology down our throats? Are we better off because we call them “insurgents” instead of terrorists? Think about it…….
It starts when we are children, it starts small, with telling your children to be accepting of everyone and everything, to telling them they aren’t better than anyone else, that they are the same as the child next door. I don’t know about you, but my children are better than the children next door. They are smarter, better, prettier, more handsome, and will be more successful than the children next door. They will be better than me, and I won’t let them be shamed by society. I’ll do my duty to teach them how I want them to be taught, to adhere to conservative values, to be tolerant, but not accepting of ideals that differ from mine. That’s our job to raise our kids how we wish, to be free from influence.
It all boils down to this: take away mans sense of right and wrong, even blur those lines just a little bit, and all hell breaks loose. It starts with the youngest, most impressionable of us, our children. Let them play violent games, listen to music that glorifies sex, drugs, and money; and see what kind of a child you get. Let them do whatever the hell they want, and set them off into a world that has loosened its moral grip on society and see what that kid does. Have a young man grow up with no positive male role model in his life and see how much of a man he really is when he grows up. Teach your children it’s okay to have children out of wedlock, and by all means it’s okay to have casual sex. Teach them to do what feels good and offers instant gratification, and see if you have a child that plans for the long term and is successful. It’s not going to happen.
Teach your child the values of hard work, education, saving, kindness, giving, etc and you see if your child is a good person. I bet they will be. Mine certainly will be.
Yours truly,
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